Loud? No way. Orthrelm!

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Intermissions? None. Orthrelm start to play and play without breaks. Breathlessly they spurt out their songs, and only fingerboardracing and tomtom-bashing remain to describe their music.
In 2002, Mick Barr and Josh Blair released their first EP: 99 tracks, 13 minutes running time.
2005 saw their next shot: 1 track, 45 minutes running time.

Initially, the sample track is probably quite repetitive and actually nothing changes, but after a couple of minutes one can't help to feel being pulled into a trance which can only be explained by the repetitive character of their music. Orthrelm develop a fascination which I don't want to explain but it surely holds sway.
Try out this trip:

On Saturday Orthrelm will be the fourth band playing in the main tent.

Mick Barr_g
Josh Blair_dr

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Zeche Carl
